Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Exchange, Lancaster - Bar #176

Only one word went through our minds as we stepped off the elevator at The Exchange in downtown Lancaster; WOW!  The views of the city are breathtaking and the first class design of the venue gave us the feeling of being somewhere special.  Of course, Mother Nature contributed with the rain that produced the above rainbow for everyone’s viewing pleasure.

As we entered the vestibule off East King Street, we were greeted by smiling staff who welcomed us and directed the way to the elevators that would carry us to the 12th floor.  Even with The Exchange only being open for 5 weeks, every aspect seemed to operate without a glitch.  The staff was welcoming, engaging and eagerly performed their duties professionally.  Mike, Buckels and Brenton were behind the bar and very personable from the moment we walked in.  They provided the type of service that brings people back.  Mike even shared his recipe for an “Old Fashioned”.

Oh, yes!  The beer!  While the beer selection is a bit limited compared to some tap setups, the variety compliments the food selections perfectly.  Speaking of food, we enjoyed a margarita pizza with a thin, crispy crust, mozzarella cheese and tasty sauce.

The Exchange has pulled together many of the things The Retired Guys have come to appreciate while on our trip around Lancaster County bars.  The atmosphere is casual and promotes personal interaction among you and your friends.  The appointments of the various sitting areas are comfortable and relaxing.  The staff obviously enjoys their job and creates a place that we want to return.  The Exchange may not be the top of the world, but it is the top of Lancaster and that affords a pretty cool view.

Until next time, CHEERS!

To see all the places we have been to, just click on one of the selections below: 

In sequence, most recent to earliest

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