Thursday, February 23, 2017

Stoner Grille, Lancaster - Bar # 104

Tucked away off Fruitville Pike is a true gem and the Retired Guys leave no Stoner (not a typo) unturned in our quest to visit every Lancaster pub gem.  Today we had a very enjoyable afternoon at the Stoner Grille.  We were greeted immediately by staff upon entering and the experience was enhanced the longer we stayed.

Our bartender was Ryan and he was without a doubt outgoing, likable and very knowledgeable of all the wide-ranging craft beers available.  After conversations with Ryan and Julien, the manager, it was obvious they take very seriously the process of providing great beer selections.  The Stoner Grille has 24 taps with only 1 used for a mainstream light beer.

In our initial conversation with Ryan he confessed he was curious as to when we would show up.  It is still amazing how one LNP article has cultivated a following of friendly beer lovers.  In fact, there were 4 other patrons at the bar and all recognized us and remembered our 15 minutes of fame.  The most heard comment is always, "you guys are living the dream".  The enjoyment of meeting staff and patrons of pubs was escalated to a new level yesterday during our interaction with both and had Garry and me smiling from ear to ear as we left.

To our growing number of blog readers, treat yourself to an experience at the Stoner Grille!

Until next time, CHEERS!

To see all the places we have been to or just to view our website click on one of the selections below:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lancaster Brewing Company Taproom, Lancaster - Bar # 103

The last time Terry and I ventured out to a bar together was on January 3rd when we visited #102!  Our most recent scheduled outings had to be postponed while at least one of us was out of town on, for lack of a better word, vacation.  Can you really call a retired person’s outing a vacation when his whole life is exactly that?  If any of our readers has a suggestion for an appropriate substitute term it would be greatly appreciated!  Regardless, it is good to get back together with a friend for a couple of glasses of beer on a regular schedule.

OK, I have digressed enough.  Today we made a slight schedule change to accommodate one of Terry’s afternoon fundraising meetings inconsiderately scheduled during our normal beer drinking time period.  Not to be hindered we went out early enough for lunch and of course to enjoy a couple of glasses of beer.  As today’s driver, The Lancaster Brewing Co. Taproom was my choice for destination and it worked out very well. 

Of course, all the beer offered here is made by Lancaster Brewing Company.  An excellent variety of 16 different beers is available and small samples are there for the asking.  To make the mission of tasting all their beers easier, a “flight” of either 6 or 12 5 ounce glasses can also be purchased.  Even with the “flight” option it would be difficult to sample all types of beer offering in one sitting so the dedicated patron can purchase a bottled version of most of the varieties in the store for sampling later in the car while driving home.  Seriously, as model grandfathers, we strongly suggest you wait until arriving at home to open the bottles!  LBC does have some unique offerings such as the “Double Chocolate Milk Stout” and the “Shoo-Fly Pie Porter” as well as a “Jump Seat Black Lager”.  Personally, I have never met a Stout or Porter that I like so I didn’t even waste a sample.

Our bartender, Regan, was very knowledgeable of all the beer available and very helpful in directing us to select something that appealed to our individual taste.  He also mentioned that the wine and spirits available were all from the state of Pennsylvania.  The beers Regan helped us choose were excellent and the food was flavorful.  This location is definitely on the “return to” list for the future!

To see all the places we have been to or just to view our website click on one of the selections below: