Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Mick's All American Pub, Manheim - Bar # 130

There is a very accurate line from an old TV show that extols the positive side of a bar where everybody knows your name.  Today everybody didn't know my name, but the most important person did, the bartender.  A friend of probably 30 years, Karen, was behind the bar at Mick's All American Pub.  It is always great to catch up with a friend!

The Retired Guys have now been to all three Mick's locations.  The Mick's in Manheim (Mt. Joy) is larger and much more open than the Mick's I normally frequent on Columbia Avenue, but it still had that friendly and welcoming atmosphere.  A pub usually builds success on regular clientele and a stable workforce.  Mick's seems to have both.  We even had an enjoyable conversation with a staff person, Eric, who is a huge Star Wars fan and collector of many interesting Star Wars books, posters, shirts, etc.  He was proudly wearing a Boba Fett t-shirt.

While the stats of Mick's, 12 taps of many beer types and great food, is what usually makes up the meat of this blog, the experience and interaction is what we have come to appreciate and  look forward to as we continue this journey.  Today Mick's made the drive from Lancaster worthwhile as it warmed the Retired Guys in spite of an outside temperature of 13 degrees.

Happy New Year Friends and until next time, CHEERS!

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