Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Twisted Bine Beer Co, Mount Joy - Bar # 146

What in the heck is a "bine"?  I was questioning this as we drove toward our next bar, The Twisted Bine Beer Company in Mount Joy and found out with Terry's dogged lookup on Wikipedia that it is "a long flexible stem of a climbing plant, especially a hop".  The name now makes total sense!

We got to the brewery a little early on a hot humid day and found that the door was locked.  A moment or two later, Kelly unlocked the door for us stating she didn't want to make us stay out in the heat!  This was just the beginning of our experience of awesome service and customer caring at Twisted Bine.  Before we found our way to the bar in this well renovated location we were greeted by Marge who explained the selection options of beer and wine as well as showed us how to go about ordering food if we cared for any.

Each of us ordered a "flight" so as to sample a broader selection of the offerings.  Terry chose as one of his four 4oz glasses a porter, The Good Ship, and claimed it to be the best porter he has ever had!  Greg, the brewmaster, offered me a small sample and I have to admit it is the first porter I ever liked.

We spoke at length with Jamie the proprietor who fully explained the brewing process right through the cleaning operation between batches.  He mentioned some of the challenges of ramping up volume and how he overcame them.  As a newly opened place we questioned if there were any startup hiccups and he honestly shared that there were some surprises but really nothing that couldn't be handled.

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit today for two reasons - the service and friendliness of all people we encountered was great and every beer we sampled was excellent.  To put it as simple as we can, WE'LL BE BACK!

Keep watching our Facebook page ( we will post an "event" highlighting the location where we will be visiting the 150th bar.  That visit will occur during the 3rd week of September.  Full details will be provided in the near future in the Facebook Event.

To see all the places we have been to, just click on one of the selections below:

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