Tuesday, June 19, 2018

J B Dawson's Restaurant & Bar, Lancaster - Bar # 143

"Beer. It always seems like such a good idea at the time, doesn't it? What's worse is beer seems like an even better idea after you've had some."

Today, Terry was scheduled to get a new battery for his iPhone so as seems to happen very often, one decision affecting our lives caused another to occur and it worked out for the best!  We went to J B Dawson's which is conveniently located close to the Apple store at Park City Shopping Center in Lancaster and are glad we did.

As we sat at the bar, we were greeted immediately by Kendra who would be our bartender for the afternoon.  Kendra took an interest in our quest to visit every bar in Lancaster County and then the next thing we knew, Andrew the restaurant manager came out to talk with us as well to find out more about our journey.  We were impressed by the friendliness of both our contacts and consequently thoroughly enjoyed our visit.  We did not try any of the appetizers as we generally do simply because we got off to an earlier start and could still feel a fullness from the consumption of our respective lunches.  That I believe was a planning error on both our parts.

After a few patrons left following their lunches, we had a chance to speak more with Kendra and learned of her longevity at J B Dawson's and some of her other experiences in locations around Lancaster in the restaurant / bar profession.  We noted that while she made time to talk with us, she also kept busy attending to her job duties.  Conscientious is a term that comes to mind and which would explain that longevity.

On tap there were 5 beers of which only 1 was of the "light" variety and there were a number of bottle choices to select from.  Kendra was kind enough to offer a sample of any of the draft beers before committing to a full glass.  As mature beer drinkers we did try a couple of samples but, if truth be told, neither one of us has ever been in the situation where we have declined a freshly poured glass of beer!

For some time now, Terry and I have been discussing the holding of a special event and as it happens, Kendra in conversation asked if we had ever thought about doing one.  So we decided that now would be as god a time as any to mention it to our readers.  Our plan is as follows: We will enter our 150th bar in September and thought we’d do something a little differently to mark the occasion.  In a blog posting between now and the 149th bar we will announce where the 150th bar will be.  We will also post an “Event” on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Retired-Guys-Beer-Afternoon-246464365759312/) that provides date, time, and location.

Over the years, a few of our readers have suggested we advise where we plan to go so that they could accompany us.  We have decided that for this one event we will acquiesce!  So for anyone who follows our blog or FB page, look for the announcement and try to meet us there.  We will look forward to seeing you. 

To see all the places we have been to, just click on one of the selections below:

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