Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Brunnerville Hotel, Lititz - Bar # 105

Back in January, a person by the name of Brooke read our blog and suggested we make it a point to visit the Brunnerville Hotel in  Lititz.  We politely thanked Brooke and without a lot of thought added the suggestion to our list of bars to go to at some future date.  Today, we visited the over 150 year old establishment and found another true prize of Lancaster County.  Our bartender, Shannon, greeted us cheerily as we entered through the door and took great care of us throughout our visit by sharing information about the bar, providing samples before we committed to a full glass, and telling us about the rumored resident ghost, Georgette.

By today's standards, a selection of 6 taps of draft beer with 2 of them being of the "light" variety would be considered on the weak side by the inexperienced.  However, what we have learned through our travels of Lancaster County bars is it is not just the selection of beer that makes the bar but more importantly it is the people we encounter while visiting there.  In The Brunnerville Hotel's case, the smaller selection was more than made up by the friendliness of the bar staff and patrons.  

Not long after we received our first glasses of beer we were welcomed by Baylee, the bar manager.  After we posed a couple of questions Baylee proceeded to give us a tour of the bar and restaurant, pointing out some of the interesting historical aspects of this old building.  During the tour she took a picture off the wall and pointed out  an image of the earlier mentioned Georgette, the resident ghost. 

After the tour Baylee asked if we wanted any food with our beer and when we declined she insisted we look at the menu anyway because she had just issued a new version.  When we looked it over I spotted "fried pickles" and just had to order them and found them to be excellent.  We also noted that we were there on Wings Wednesday and could not help but enjoy the aroma of the many varieties of wings being consumed by other patrons.

When we have as good a time as we did today we are grateful that five years ago we chose to visit every bar in the county.  In the absence of that key decision, we would never have found such a great place!  As we left, it was easy to decide to make a return visit to again experience the warm welcome but additionally to sample the food.

As a result of our very positive (and somewhat gently forced) purchase of the earlier mentioned "fried pickles" we have modified our plan for all future bar visits to include an appetizer.  Yes, it is clear that these two older guys can change!

For more historical information on The Brunnerville Hotel and Georgette click on the link here.  

To see all the places we have been to or just to view our website click on one of the selections below:


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kyle! It's nice to know that someone is reading and appreciating the blog!

  2. This goes back quite some years, but I remember the owner of the Bunnerville Hotel/Bar #105, but everyone just called him Robby. Anyone know his full name? This goes back to the late 60's to maybe early 70's. Thank you.

  3. Very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.
    Christopher Casacci
