Friday, August 5, 2016

Mad Chef Craft Brewing - Bar # 90

Today, being Friday, was an unusual time for us Retired Guys to be heading out for an afternoon of suds guzzling.  We have a couple of reasons for that but won't bore the few regular readers we have with all the details.  Do know that change is good even though it does get more difficult with age!

It was my (Garry) turn to drive so I selected Mad Chef Brewery as our destination.  The location is in East Petersburg so a not distant 20 minutes or less drive from each of our homes.  While Mad Chef is in a relatively new building it is decorated in an old refurbished factory motif.  In other words, very simply decorated so as to remind patrons that the purpose of their visit is to enjoy the beer and perhaps the other customers when justified and not to be here for art appreciation or other stuff like that.

All of the beer offerings are made right here and there are 16 of them!  Terry started off with a "flight" of four 4 oz glasses of beers that he selected, each of which turned out to be very favorable.  I stuck with having 16 oz glasses of my choice and enjoyed both - one being an "East Pete Pils" while the other was "It Takes Brew to Mango" - excellent in both cases.

The bartenders were helpful, knowledgeable, and most important, very liberal with samples of their 16 selections.  We glanced at the food offerings when we first arrived but to be truthful, only looked at it as if the food menu were a landscape drawing and paid zero attention to the details.  We were here for beer!  The odor of what some other patrons were eating was pretty good so I think another visit for beer AND food is in order.  If you plan to visit, check the website as hours during the week are limited to late afternoon / evening.

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