Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Tiki Barn - Bar # 87

Gee, this is great....we just went out last week for a Retired Guys Beer Afternoon!  We were active the 2nd Tuesday because Terry had to postpone our normal schedule due to his involvement with the Cancer Society's Relay for Life fund raiser held on the 10th and 11th of this month. While our scheduled time out as a couple of men bonding is important, it is pretty obvious that finding a cure for cancer is more important.  That event raised over $716K.  Way to go Terry!

This is the third Tuesday of the month so I (Garry) get to drive and to choose where we go.  Based on a recommendation from my son who joined us last week as a "retiree in training", I chose the Tiki Barn located in Ephrata. The outdoor bar/deck is just behind and a part of the Olde Lincoln House.  It is an excellent location to drink cold beer on a hot summer day as it has a well shaded bar area as well as a sun drenched deck.  The deck itself is located on the eastern side of the barn so does enjoy shade in the latter part of the afternoon and thus patrons won't have to slather on the sun screen for a relaxed early evening out.

The barn had a nice selection of 10 beers on tap with only two of them being the typical Coors Light and Miller brands.  All others were of the "craft" variety easily allowing us to have two beers to our liking.  There was also a reasonably large selection of bottled beers so everyone should be able to select something to suit their taste buds.  For those who aren't beer drinkers (is there such a person?) the bar appeared to be complete in the availability of stronger spirits.

Typically, we do not purchase food as we like to focus on the beer but I could not help but notice the inviting aroma of some hot wings being thoroughly enjoyed by another patron sitting at the bar.  If they taste anything like the aroma, I will enjoy my next visit!

Everything about the bar was clean and that description includes the men's restroom.  There was an unusual limit placed on the ladies restroom as recorded in the photo below.  I'm not sure why but pictures don't lie.  Ladies, make sure you take care of business before you go to the Tiki Barn!

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